Music composer AR Rahman has donned the hat for his first production venture titled ’99 Songs’. The Academy Award winning artist recently interacted with the journalists at the launch of the musical romance flick. Rahman decided to have some mischief at the press launch with the anchor, who was hosting the event. The anchor welcomed the music director in Tamil but she switched to Hindi while introducing film’s actor Ehan Bhat.

Rahman trolled the anchor for speaking in Hindi at the event and walked away from the stage. He later clarified that he was just joking. “Didn't I ask you already if you speak in Tamil or not?,” Rahman said while leaving the stage.

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The anchor clarified that she spoke in Hindi as she wanted to make Bhat feel welcome in Chennai. The video from the launch event went viral on the internet in no time. Check it out!

‘99 Songs’, which has been directed by Vishwesh Krishnamoorthy, will hit the silver screens on April 16, 2021. Earlier this month, the music maestro announced the release date of his film.

Rahman has co-written the story along with Vishwesh. He has composed the originals score for his film, which has been produced under his banner YM Movies. The flick starring Ehan Bhat and Edilsy Vargas will focus on the story of the self-discovery of a singer, who wishes to become a music director.

Lisa Ray, Aditya Seal and Manisha Koirala will be seen in supporting roles in the musical drama. 

Rahman, who wrote the script for ’99 Songs’ in 2011, decided to make the film under his home banner after Eros International backed out of the project. Mukesh Chhabra managed to rope in Ehan and Edilsy after auditioning several actors for the film. The movie will release in Hindi, Telugu and Tamil.

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