Actor Priyanka Chopra was all over the news on Tuesday morning after she revealed in an interview the reason behind her leaving Bollywood and moving to the US for work. She said that she had "beef with people" in Bollywood and was pushed into a corner. Celebrities including Kangana Ranaut, Vivek Agnihotri lauded her for her comments and how she made a successful career in Hollywood also. Filmmaker Apurva Asrani also reacted to her statement and praised her. He also said that it was a massive win that she went on to succeed and didn't end up like late actors Parveen Babi and Sushant Singh Rajput.
Taking to Twitter, Apurva wrote, “Finally Priyanka Chopra reveals what everyone knew, but said not a word. Not the liberals, not the feminists. They hail those that ostracized her, celebrate the kings that tried to destroy her. It is a massive win that she didn't end up like Parveen Babi or Sushant Singh Rajput."
Music composer and Singer Amaal Malik also reacted to her statement and said that this is the reason he doesn’t do many Bollywood songs.
He tweeted, “Well it’s something that I face on a daily basis. When fans ask me why I don’t do as many Bollywood films ? Now you know ;) The truth about campism, bootlicking & powerplay within #Bollywood needs to come out more often See what they tried to do to this amazing woman.”
Priyanka spoke to Dax Shepherd on his podcast and said, "I was being pushed into a corner in the industry (Bollywood). I had people not casting me, I had beef with people, I am not good at playing that game so I kind of was tired of the politics and I said I needed a break. This music thing gave me an opportunity to go into another part of the world, not crave for the movies I didn't want to get but I would require to schmooze certain clubs and cliques of people. It would require grovelling and I had worked a long time by then that I didn't feel like I wanted to do it.”
"So when this music thing came I was like 'fu** it I'am going to America'," she added.
Priyanka will soon be seen in Prime Video series, ‘Citadel.’