A few days ago, the Bachchan family shared the good news of Aishwarya and Aaradhya testing negative and being discharged from the hospital. Well, there comes another good news from the family as Amitabh Bachchan has now tested negative for COVID-19 and has been discharged from the hospital. Abhishek Bachchan took to his Twitter to share the news of his father’s well-being and told that Big B will be at home and at rest now. He further thanked everyone for their prayers wishes for him.
His tweet read, “my father, thankfully, has tested negative on his latest Covid-19 test and has been discharged from the hospital. He will now be at home and rest. Thank you all for all your prayers and wishes for him.”
The ‘Guru’ actor further added that he, unfortunately, has to remain in hospital. He wrote, “I, Unfortunately due to some comorbidities remain Covid-19 positive and remain in hospital. Again, thank you all for your continued wishes and prayers for my family. Very humbled and indebted. I’ll beat this and come back healthier! Promise.”
A few days back, Amitabh Bachchan also shared the news of his daughter-in-law and granddaughter being discharged from the hospital and thanked God for his kindness. He shared a loving picture of Aishwarya and Aaradhya. His caption read, “अपनी छोटी बिटिया , और बहुरानी को ,अस्पताल से मुक्ति मिलने पर ; मैं रोक ना पाया अपने आंसू प्रभु तेरी कृपा अपार , अपरम्पार”
Our wishes and prayers are with the family.
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ALSO WATCH | Amitabh Bachchan tests negative for COVID19, discharged