Amitabh Bachchan and Abhishek Bachchan both tested positive for the novel coronavirus on July 11. Soon after that, two other members of the family tested positive, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan and Aaradhya Bachchan. Though Big B and Junior Bachchan were immediately shifted to the Nanavati Hospital in Mumbai, Aishwarya and Aaradhya were in-home quarantine as both of them were asymptomatic. But shortly, the mother-daughter duo started developing symptoms and were admitted to the hospital. A few days back, the Bachchan family shared the good news of Aishwarya and Aaradhya testing negative for the virus.

Another good news also made its way into the family as now, Amitabh Bachchan has tested negative for the virus. Son Abhishek Bachchan shared the good news through his Twitter saying that Big B will be at home now and rest. His tweet read, “my father, thankfully, has tested negative on his latest Covid-19 test and has been discharged from the hospital. He will now be at home and rest. Thank you all for all your prayers and wishes for him.”

Amitabh Bachchan also took to his Twitter to share the good news with his fans. He also thanked the Almighty, his parents and the prayers from his fans for his speedy recovery. He also mentioned Nanavati Hospital’s excellent care and nursing which made him possible to see this day.

His tweet read, “T 3613 - I have tested CoVid- have been discharged. I am back home in solitary quarantine. Grace of the Almighty, blessings of Ma Babuji, prayers & duas of near & dear & friends fans EF .. and the excellent care and nursing at Nanavati made it possible for me to see this day .”

The ‘Breathe’ actor, on the other hand, also tweeted about his health update. He mentioned that he will have to remain in hospital as unfortunately, he is still COVID-19 positive. He assures everyone that he will beat it and come back healthier.

Junior Bachchan tweeted, “I, Unfortunately, due to some comorbidities remain Covid-19 positive and remain in hospital. Again, thank you all for your continued wishes and prayers for my family. Very humbled and indebted. I’ll beat this and come back healthier! Promise.”

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