New Delhi: Actor Samantha Ruth Prabhu is now preoccupied with her upcoming movies, which are back-to-back. The Tollywood actor offered a glimpse of her dubbing session today while offering an update on one of them, the movie 'Shaakuntalam'.
Samantha posted a photo from the dubbing studio on Instagram, showing the television, speakers, mic, and other equipment.
"Art is my cure to all this madness, sadness and loss of belonging in the world & through it I'll walk myself home. -Nikki Rowe #shaakuntalam," she wrote in the caption.
Check out the picture here:
Samatha had ushered in the new year on an encouragement and inspiration after a difficult few months. In October of last year, she uploaded a photo of herself holding a drip while talking about her illness.
Meanwhile, written and directed by Gunasekhar, 'Shaakuntalam' is a mythical drama. Since the release of its first glimpse, Shaakuntalam has been making news every day.
The movie, which is based on the popular Kalidasa play Shakuntala, stars Samantha in the lead role of Shakuntala, Dev Mohan as Dushyanta, the ruler of the Puru Dynasty, and Mohan Babu, Gautami, Aditi Balan, and Ananya Nagalla in supporting roles. The theatres will screen the upcoming epic love story on February 17.
Samatha Prabhu will also appear in major films including 'Kushi', 'Citadel', and 'Arrangements of Love'.