New Delhi: Alia Bhatt has posted a new vlog from the Tum Kya Mile song shoot for her movie Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahani on her YouTube channel. Alia uploaded a seven-minute behind-the-scenes video of the song's recording amid Kashmir's gorgeous locales. In the video, Alia's director Karan Johar apologises for forcing her wear chiffon sarees in the arctic conditions.

Sharing the video, Alia wrote, "My first song vlog... All about #TumKyaMile" followed by multiple heart emojis as its caption. Alia revealed that this was the first song she recorded after giving birth to her daughter Raha in the opening segment of the music video. Along with getting ready for the shoot with the team in Kashmir's snow-capped mountains, she was also spotted getting her makeup done.

Check out Alia Bhatt's first vlog here:

After finishing the song shot, Alia and Karan Johar were shown in the second segment of the video inside their car. Here, Karan and Alia selected the sarees they liked best from the song. Alia chose the lilac green and the black saree, whereas Karan chose the lilac green and the multicoloured kulfi saree. Ranveer's puffer jacket was getting in the way, according to Alia, during the scene where she was wearing the black saree. At this point, Karan said, "Note to be made. Ranveer was in a puffer jacket, she was in a chiffon saree. I am really sorry. This sounds unfair. But like, Alia is there romance in a puffer jacket? There is so much romance in a beautiful saree!"

Tum Kya Mile was filmed in Kashmir and features Alia Bhatt and Ranveer Singh in the romantic track. Ranveer may be seen wearing glam attire, while Alia is clad in lovely chiffon sarees. Arijit Singh and Shreya Ghoshal have sung the song with music composed by Pritam.

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