Mumbai: Bollywood superstar Akshay Kumar took to social media to share a cute post for his 'AtrangiRe' co-star Dhanush, who turned a year older on Wednesday (July 28). Khiladi Kumar wished the South star in style by sharing a cheeky post on Instagram and Twitter. The ‘PadMan’ actor posted a photo wherein he, Sara Ali Khan and Dhanush can be seen smiling while striking a pose for the camera. 

The ‘Mission Mangal’ star lauded Dhanush’s talent while sharing the birthday wish. His post will definitely bring a smile to your face. 

“Your name is Dhanush, but even if it was Teer, it would have been apt You are so on-point with your talent. Happy Birthday, buddy. Keep shining,” Akshay tweeted. Check out his post! 

Sara Ali Khan shared a heartfelt post for Dhanush on her Instagram story along with a photo. "Happiest birthday Dhanush. Wishing you all the love, luck, positivity, peace, snickers, paneer soda, books and Carnatic music," the 'Simmba' actress wrote.

Aanand L Rai, who earlier worked with Dhanush in 'Raanjhaana', extended his warm wishes on social media. He wrote, "Happy birthday bhai. Stay blessed always."

'AtrangiRe', directed by Aanand L Rai, was slated to hit the silver screens next month. However, the movie is expected to get delayed due to COVID-19 crisis. The cast and crew shot for the musical drama in several cities including Agra, Lucknow and Mumbai. Akshay's first look from 'AtrangiRe' also grabbed several eyeballs.

On the professional front, Dhanush has several exciting projects in his pipeline. He will be seen in a key role in Russo Brothers' 'The Gray Man', which will beam on Netflix. The birthday boy will also play the lead role in Tamil film 'Maaran'. The details about the upcoming flick have not been revealed yet.

Here's wishing Dhanush a very happy birthday!

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