New Delhi: Marking 70 years of Independent India's first gold medal victory at the 1948 Olympics, Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar treated his fans with a video featuring prominent Indian sportspersons. The 50-year-old took to social media and posted a two-minute clip in which glimpses of famous sports personalities including Kapil Dev, Sachin Tendulkar, Sunil Chettri, Abhinav Bindra, Vijender Singh, Sania Mirza, and PV Sindhu among others.

"Celebrate 70 years of free India's first Gold by knowing how it feels by the history makers themselves. #FeelingOfGold" read the caption.

Gold: Akshay Kumar-Mouni Roy promote their film on Madhuri Dixit’s Dance Deewane (SEE PICS)

Akshay Kumar showers love on Mouni Roy in new 'Gold' song!

The sports drama takes the audience back in time to witness a team's struggle to make the nation proud.

The upcoming flick will release this Independence Day, boasts of an ensemble cast including Amit Sadh, Kunal Kapoor, Vineet Singh, and Sunny Kaushal, among others.

'Gold' also marks the debut of TV sensation Mouni Roy on the big screen.