New Delhi: Manoj Muntashir, the film's co-writer, has revealed that some dialogue in the recently released mythical epic 'Adipurush' would be changed. The choice was made in response to complaints from some viewers who took issue with the film's usage of slang terms in the epic Ramayana-inspired drama. Adipurush has undergone a significant second revamp, following a lengthy delay brought on by complaints from fans about the poor calibre of the visual effects.
In a statement issued on Twitter, Manoj Muntashir wrote, "The first lesson one can learn from Ramkatha is to respect every emotion. Right or wrong, time changes, feeling remains. I wrote dialogues of more than 4000 lines in Adipurush, some sentiments got hurt on 5 lines. In those hundreds of lines, where Shri Ram was glorified, Maa Sita's chastity was described, praise was also to be received for her, which I don't know why I did not get. My own brothers wrote indecent words for me on social media. The same my own, for whose respected mothers I read poems many times on TV, addressed my own mother with indecent words. I kept thinking, there can be differences, but where did my brothers suddenly get so bitter that they forgot to see Shri Ram who considered every mother as his mother. Sitting at the feet of Shabri, as if sitting at the feet of Kaushalya."
He further continued, "It is possible that in a 3-hour film, I have written something different from your imagination for 3 minutes, but I could not know why you were in such a hurry to write Sanatan-Drohi on my forehead. Have you not heard the song 'Jai Shri Ram', Didn't hear 'Shivoham', Haven't heard 'Ram Siya Ram'? These praises of Sanatan in Adipurush are also born from my pen. I have also written 'Teri Mitti' and 'Desh Mere'."
Manoj Muntashir concluded the post with, "I have no complaint with you, you were, are and will be my own. If we stand against each other, Sanatan will lose. We have created Adipurush for Sanatan Seva, which you are seeing in large numbers and I am sure you will see in future as well. Why this post? Because for me there is nothing greater than your feeling. I can give countless arguments in favor of my dialogues, but this will not reduce your pain. Me and the producer-director of the film have decided that some of the dialogues which are hurting you, we'll revise them, and they'll be added to the film this week. May Shri Ram bless you all!"
See the tweet here:
Previously, Manoj Muntashir, the three-time National Film Award-winning dialogue writer of 'Adipurush', defended the dialogues and claimed that "a very meticulous thought process" went into developing the dialogues for Bajrangbali. The Prabhas, Kriti Sanon, Saif Ali Khan, Sunny Singh, and Devdatta Nage-starring movie has drawn a lot of flak online for its awkward VFX and dialogue.
‘Adipurush’ had the biggest pan-Indian opening of 2023 on day 1, beating Shah Rukh Khan’s ‘Pathaan’. The movie maintained its financial success, despite the negative reviews. Trade expert Ramesh Bala tweeted that Adipurush's worldwide gross hit Rs 200 crore within its first two days.