New Delhi: Popular singer Neha Kakkar, who has given hits like ‘Aankh Mare’ and ‘Dilbar’, has opened up for the first time regarding her much-publicised break-up with actor Himansh Kohli. The two tinsel town celebs, after making their relationship public on the stage of ‘Indian Idol 10’, parted ways. Their break-up set many tongues wagging and the news spread like wildfire but the two chose not to say anything. Post the break-up, Neha had slipped into depression and requested everyone to not get judgmental.
Post breakup with Himansh Kohli, singer Neha Kakkar slips into depression
The ‘Nikle Current’ hitmaker, while talking to a leading daily, opened up on her break-up and said that Himansh always complained about not spending enough time together despite all her efforts.
"Right now, all I can say is that being single is the best feeling of my life. You know what, when I was in a relationship, I was not being able to give time to my family and my friends. At that time, I dedicated all my time and energy to that person who does not deserve it. And guess what; in spite of giving him so much time; he always complained of not being together," Neha told Dainik Bhaskar.
The 'Chhote Chhote Peg' singer further said that she is not willing to fall in love again after her bad experience.
"Thankfully, I have moved on from this bad relationship. I am really in a happy space now. I have realised that my family is more deserving than anybody else in my life. I am happy with whatever happened because that made me realise the importance of my family members. (smiles) Neha also shared that she is not open to love again, With this bad experience, I am not open to love again. As I said, I happy to be single!," Neha told the daily.
On the professional front, Neha recently released her version of ‘Tera Ghata’. She also lent her voice to the remix of ‘Coca Cola’ from Kartik Aaryan and Kriti Sanon starrer ‘Luka Chuppi’.
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