New Delhi: Vicky Kaushal and Yami Gautam starrer ‘Uri: The Surgical Strike’, which hit the silver screens on January 11, is roaring at the box office. The Aditya Dhar directorial has managed to win the hearts of the audience and set the cash registers jingling. The film has entered the Rs 200 crore club with a bang and remained the first choice for movie buffs despite the release of ‘Manikarnika’ and ‘Ek Ladki Ko Dekha Toh Aisa Laga’.

‘Uri’ is still going strong and has added another record to its name. The film has dethroned Prabhas and Anushka Shetty starrer ‘Baahubali 2: The Conclusion’ to become the highest fifth Friday grosser of all times.

‘Baahubali 2’, directed by S.S Rajamouli, had collected Rs 1.56 crore in its fifth Friday at the box office. Meanwhile, ‘Uri’ collected Rs 2.13 on its fifth Friday, beating the earlier record held by the epic action film.

Interestingly, ‘Uri’ witnessed a growth on its fifth Saturday and minted Rs 4.60 crore while ‘Baahubali 2’ had collected Rs 2.25 crore on its fifth Saturday at the box office.

‘Uri’ has emerged as the biggest blockbuster of the 2019 and the film is expected to continue its momentum. Vicky Kaushal, who played the role of Major Vihaan Singh Shergill in the film, thanked the audience for their love and support on Instagram.

The dialogue from the film ‘How’s the Josh’ has become quite popular and even PM Narenda Modi and Finance Minister Piyush Goyal have quoted the catch-phrase in their speeches.

Also READ- Director Aditya Dhar reveals how 'Uri's popular 'How's the Josh' line came to life!

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