Bollywood superstar Aamir Khan’s daughter Ira Khan confirmed her relationship with boyfriend Nupur Shikhare in February 2021. The two lovebirds have been painting the town red with their romance. Ira took to her Instagram story to share an adorable photo with her beau from their movie night. The couple spent quality time together and enjoyed a movie on Friday (March 26) night.
Ira posted a selfie wherein she and Nupur can be seen smiling while striking a pose for the camera. She captioned her post as, “Movie night.” Nupur shared the same picture on her Instagram story along with the captin, “Quaran-Team.” Check it out!
Ira posted several photos with her beau to make their relationship Instagram official ahead of Valentine’s Day 2021. She wrote, “It’s an honour to make promises with and to you.”
Who Is Nupur Shikhare?
Nupur Shikhare is Aamir Khan's fitness coach. According to a report in Pinkvilla, Nupur and Ira came closer when she decided to turn her focus on workout during the COVID-19 lockdown.
Nupur, who is the founder of Fitnessism, is also the personal trainer of Sushmita Sen. He shared a mushy post for his ladylove on Valentine's Day 2021.
Talking about Ira's father Aamir Khan, the '3 Idiots' actor has recently tested positive for COVID-19. Khan's team issued a statement to inform the fans about the same. Aamir went into self-quarantine after testing positive for the virus.
"Mr Aamir Khan has tested positive for Covid 19. He is at home in self-quarantine, following all the protocols and he’s doing fine. All those who came in contact with him in the recent past should get themselves tested as a precautionary measure. Thank you for all your wishes and concern," the statement read.
On the professional front, Aamir will be next seen in 'Laal Singh Chaddha'. The film co-starring Kareena Kapoor Khan is expected to hit the silver screens in December 2021.
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