After revealing the character poster of Tahir Raj Bhasin as Sunil Gavaskar, the makers & ''83' lead actor Ranveer Singh have now dropped South actor Jiiva’s look from the much-awaited movie. The 'Gully Boy' actor took to his social media account today (12th January) and shares south superstar Jiiva’s look who will be seen playing the role of former Indian Cricketer Krishnamachari Srikkanth in Kabir Khan's film. Ranveer wrote, "IT’S CHIKA, MACHA !!! The Swashbuckling South Indian Strokeplay Sensation! 🏏🏆Presenting @JiivaOfficial as #KrishnamachariSrikkanth! #ThisIs83 @kabirkhankk @deepikapadukone @Shibasishsarkar @madmantena #SajidNadiadwala @vishinduri @ipritamofficial @RelianceEnt @FuhSePhantom"

Take a look at Ranveer's tweet below:

The film has already piqued the interest of the audience ever since the first look of Ranveer Singh as 'Kapil Dev' was out last year. Later, Ranveer acing Kapil Dev's iconic Natraj pose in new BTS picture too went viral.

For the uninitiated, the film features Ranveer as Kapil Dev, Tahir Raj Bhasin as Sunil Gavaskar, Saqib Saleem as Mohinder Amarnath, Chirag Patil as Sandeep Patil. Deepika Padukone will be seen playing the special role of Romi, Kapil Dev's Wife.

Touted to be one of the biggest sports film of this year, '‘83' is being co-produced by Madhu Mantena, Sajid Nadiadwala and Reliance Entertainment. The movie is slated to hit the screens on 10 April this year.

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