Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut on Wednesday informed her fans on Twitter that both her parents had received their second dose of COVID-19 vaccine. The actress said she now awaits her chance to get the jab. Sharing two pics of her mom & dad getting vaccine, Kangana wrote, “My parents got their second dose of the vaccine today in Himachal Pradesh no fever no weakness no other symptoms they are feeling quiet good and happy.... Waiting for my turn now.”
On work front, Kangana Ranaut is all set to entertain fans on the big screen which her much talked about film ‘Thalaivi’, which is scheduled to hit the screens on April 23.
Despite the partial lockdown in Maharashtra, due to the rise in Covid-19 cases, the makers of ‘Thalaivi’ have not yet postponed the release date yet.
Earlier, Akshay Kumar-Katrina Kaif starrer cop-action drama "Sooryavanshi" which was scheduled to release on April 30 was postponed, owing to the current Covid situation in Maharashtra.
The decision was taken by the makers at a time when as per new guidelines issued by the Maharashtra government, cinema halls will remain shut temporarily with effect from April 5 amid a resurgence of the Covid-19 pandemic in the state.
However Kangana is adamant on releasing her film on the scheduled date.
‘Thalaivi’ is a biopic on late actress turned politicial J Jayalalithaa. Directed by AL Vijay, ‘Thalaivi’ will be released in simultaneously in Hindi, Tamil and Telugu.
Besides Thalaivi, Kangana Ranaut has ‘Tejas’, ‘Dhaakad’ and ‘Manikarnika 2’ in her kitty.