Bollywood's veteran actor Irrfan Khan said goodbye to this world on April 29. The late actor's elder son Babil and wife Sutapa Sikdar often share memories of him on social media. On the occasion of the late actor's six-month death anniversary, Babil Khan shared a father-son throwback picture. Along with this, he also shared a photo in which he can be seen spending some memorable moments with the father. The photo is getting viral on social media.
In the photo shared by Babil Khan, Irrfan is standing on a boat with his son. Both of them are wearing winter clothes. While Irfan is wearing a beanie on his head, there is a muffler on the neck of Babil, which tells that both the father and son had gone out on a boat to visit the sea in the winter time. While sharing the photo, Babil wrote, '2 man squad.'
Irffan Khan died on 29 April 2020. He was admitted to a hospital in Mumbai due to colon infection. Also, from the year 2018, he was also fighting the war against dangerous cancers like neuro-endocrine tumors.
Irfan Khan also went to London for treatment of this disease and returned to India after undergoing treatment for almost a year. Actor Irrfan Khan stayed away from Bollywood for a long time due to his treatment. The actor was last seen in the film 'English Medium'.
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Irfan's death was nothing short of a major setback for his fans in India as well as the world. Movie stars and fans from all over the country and abroad paid tribute to him. Irfan leaves Patni Sutpa Sikdar, sons Babil and Ayan Khan behind him.
One of the finest actors of Bollywood, late Irrfan Khan is still alive in the hearts of his fans. His old pictures and videos are still getting viral on social media.