Bollywood actress Kareena Kapoor Khan, who returned to Mumbai after wrapping up the shoot of 'Laal Singh Chaddha', is spending quality time with her family members at her place. The soon-to-be mommy has remained quite active on Instagram since joining the photo-sharing platform in March 2020. From sharing throwback photos to posting cute snaps of her son Taimur Ali Khan, Bebo is enjoying her time on social media to the fullest.

PICS: Kareena Kapoor Flaunts Her Growing BABY BUMP & Pregnancy Glow As She Steps Out With Hubby Saif Ali Khan

The 'Veere Di Wedding' actress shared a photo with her mother Babita Kapoor in which the duo can be seen chilling together. Kareena, who is expecting her second child with Saif Ali Khan, enjoyed a head massage from her mommy dearest. She posted a photo from the pampering session along with the caption, "Maa ke haath ka... maalish."

The 'Good Newwz' star can be seen flashing her smile in the candid photo. The post has received over 2 lakh likes within an hour. Check it out!

Kareena's BFF Amrita Arora, Malaika Arora and Riddhima Kapoor Sahni dropped comments on the post.

(Source- Instagram)

Karisma Kapoor, who recently collaborated with her sister Kareena for photo-shoot, shared a BTS video on social media. She wrote, "Working with the sis always the best." The sisters twinned in white outfits while posing for the camera. The pregnancy glow on Bebo's face was easily visible in the video.

Saif and Kareena are all set to welcome their second child in March 2021. The couple announced the arrival of their baby on Sara Ali Khan's birthday on August 12. They thanked their well-wishers for the love and support in their statement.

ALSO READ| Kareena Kapoor Reveals Secret Of Her 'Happy Marriage' With Saif Ali Khan On Their Wedding Anniversary, Wishes Hubby With Heartfelt Post

On the professional front, Kareena will be next seen in Aamir Khan's 'Laal Singh Chaddha'. The film was originally slated to hit the silver screens in December 2020; however, the makers have changed the release date to Christmas 2020 due to the COVID-19 crisis.

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