New Delhi: The final trailer of 'The Marvels' was revealed earlier on Tuesday. As the film releases this week on Friday, November 18, 'The Marvels' trailer has revealed many surprises and created momentum before release. The film will see Brie Larson reprise her role of Captain Marvel, Tessa Thompson as Valkyrie, Iman Vellani as Ms. Marvel, Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury among others.In addition, South Korean actor Park Seo-joon will be making his Hollywood debut as Prine Yan in 'The Marvels'.
Interestingly, the new Marvels' trailer opens with a flashback scene showing Robert Downey Jr's Iron Man and Chris Evans' Captain America. While in the background, Nick Fury can be heard saying, “Heroes, it is an old-fashioned notion, but the world can still use them.”
Off late, several fan theories on fan clubs have been discussing the potential return of those characters-Iron Man and Scarlet Johansson's Black Widow, and other characters who died in 'End Game'.
'The Marvels' is a direct sequel to the 2019 film 'Captain Marvel'. The MCU has labelled 'The Marvels' as 'the moment that changes everything'. The 33rd film of the MCU has seen a steady decline in audience attention and fandom in the post-pandemic era despite being the highest-grossing film franchise in history.
Produced by Marvel Studios, and distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures, the film is also a continuation of the miniseries Ms. Marvel( 2022). Directed by Nia DaCosta, who wrote the screenplay with Megan McDonnell and Elissa Karasik.
The film will talk about a wormhole linked to the Kree, and Monica Rambeau's powers becoming entangled with those of Kamala Khan and Carol Danvers. The trio then team to determine the position switch everytime they exercise their powers.
'The Marvels' will be releasing on November 10, meanwhile, Salman Khan;s 'Tiger 3' will be releasing on Diwali, Nov 12.