Priyanka Chopra has been currently shooting in Australia for her upcoming film ‘The Bluff.’ Photos of her look from the film are doing the rounds on the internet after a fan account posted the leaked image. The photos show Priyanka in character as a pirate in the period action film.
Priyanka's look as a pirate
She is seen on a pirate ship, dressed in a black vest and ready for combat. However, what truly caught the internet’s attention was her striking new hairstyle. For the first time, Priyanka sports a mohawk, adding a fierce edge to her 19th-century Caribbean pirate look.
Netizens react
The dramatic hairstyle has sparked excitement among fans on Instagram. One user asked, “Is it in the Pirates of The Caribbean period or different?” The fan account replied, “Yes, it is set in the 1800s in the Caribbean Islands.” Another fan inquired about the duration of Priyanka’s filming in Australia. The fan account responded, “I don't know if Pri will stay until the end of the shooting or finish first since she started earlier.
Priyanka's working birthday
Priyanka also celebrated her 42nd birthday on the set of the film. She posted the pictures of her birthday celebrations on Instagram with the caption that read, “It was a working birthday this year. I’ve had so many of those over the years and have realised it’s one of my favourite ways to celebrate my birthday. To be doing what I love, on a film set. Thank you to my incredible husband who made his presence felt in such special ways, even though he was not here @nickjonas. The Dosa truck for the crew tho 😭!!! 😍
My mom who made me. Happy birthing day mama, you became a mama for the first time today too @drmadhuakhourichopra. I love you.
My little Angel @maltimarie for making life worth it.
Everyone who made the effort and found the address to my production office here in Australia and sent me tokens, I appreciate you so much. My cast, crew and producers of The Bluff, thank you all for the laughter, they joy, the beautifully decorated trailers, bringing in all the flowers every few minutes(sorry ADs) the waffle truck, the hugs, the cards, the cakes, you all are the best and I would not want yesterday to be any other way.
Thank you to everyone from around the world that texted, called and messaged. Thank you for thinking of me. I slept like a baby after that loong day. Best birthday gift.
With gratitude 🙏🏽
Priyanka is accompanied by her daughter Malti in Australia. Nick Jonas and her mother, Madhu Chopra, have been visiting her on set.