New Delhi: Following her Oscar win for Best Supporting Actress in ‘Les Misérables’ in 2013 and her role as co-host of the Oscar ceremony that same year, Anne Hathaway saw a dramatic shift in her public perception. Hathaway's prospects in Hollywood were hampered by unjustified criticism and negative comments directed at her despite her achievements. She discussed this difficult time and the crucial part director Christopher Nolan played in her career comeback in a recent interview with Vanity Fair.

Anne Hathaway calling Christopher Nolan 'an angel'

“A lot of people wouldn’t give me roles because they were so concerned about how toxic my identity had become online. I had an angel in Christopher Nolan, who did not care about that and gave me one of the most beautiful roles I’ve had in one of the best films that I’ve been a part of.” Hathaway told Vanity Fair.

Hathaway has starred under Nolan in ‘The Dark Knight Rises’ earlier. Talking about how Nolan gave her a crucial part in Interstellar, her career "didn't lose momentum," she remarked, “I don’t know if he knew that he was backing me at the time, but it had that effect. And my career did not lose momentum the way it could have if he hadn’t backed me.”

Hathaway on miscarriage

In the course of the interview, Hathaway also talked candidly about another difficult time in her life: the miscarriage she had while taking part in an off-Broadway play about parenthood. Remembering the struggle it was to deal with her personal loss while performing as a labouring woman on stage, she revealed, “The first time it didn’t work out for me. I was doing a play and I had to give birth onstage every night. It was too much to keep it in when I was onstage pretending everything was fine.”

“I had to keep it real otherwise…So when it did go well for me, having been on the other side of it — where you have to have the grace to be happy for someone — I wanted to let my sisters know, ‘You don’t have to always be graceful. I see you and I’m with you,’” she further explained.