New Delhi: Prajakta Koli is all set for the release of her upcoming murder mystery 'Neeyat'. The film, directed by Anu Menon, stars Vidya Balan, Ram Kapoor, Prajakta Koli, and Rahul Bose among others. Shot in Scotland and London, the film promises to keep the audience hooked to the screens. In a candid conversation with ABP Live over a video call, Prajakta Koli spoke about her experience of working with Vidya Balan, who plays the character of the CBI Officer who has come to investigate the case.

She was delighted to have gotten a chance to work with Vidya and said, "It's the best! No amount of words I try to put into a sentence will ever come close to how lovely it is to work with her. She is this ball of joy that you would meet at the end of your very tiring, boring day, and your day will turn around."

"I've been a fan of her, like everybody else, and I've always wanted to work with her. So, the fact that I got to do a film with her was huge by itself. But, she is just... she is gold, too good.", Prajakta further said, adding that she was in "awe" of the people she got to work with, in the film.

Talking about 'Neeyat', Prajakta shared, "'Neeyat' is a murder mystery which we shot in London and Scotland and it's about the murder of 'Ashish Kapoor', played by Ram Kapoor and Vidya Balan is the CBI officer who has come to investigate this. And, all the people who had come there for a party have now become prime suspects as someone has died. Then you realise that everybody had a reason, a motive and something is going on."

She also spoke about her character 'Gigi' and said, "I play the character of 'Gigi', who is Ashish Kapoor's son's girlfriend- she is a newcomer there, she is not an insider. So, there's a lot of mystery around her also. Out of all the parties she could be at, how is she at this one? And then something went wrong... So, it's a classic Who's-done-it kind of murder mystery. It could be anyone here. Everybody is a suspect."

Prajakta also discussed what else can the audience expect from 'Neeyat' apart from the murder mystery that it is.

"Apart from being a thriller, there is a lot of family drama, there are a lot of relationships that unravel, there are a lot of secrets that suddenly come out, there are a lot of different motives and I think my favourite part about 'Neeyat' is that how unpredictable it is.", she said. 

'Neeyat' is slated to hit the theatres on July 7.