Walt Disney Animation Studios’ 'Wish' is an all-new musical-comedy welcoming audiences to the magical kingdom of Rosas, where Asha, a sharp-witted idealist, makes a wish so powerful that it is answered by a cosmic force—a little ball of boundless energy called Star. Together, Asha and Star confront a most formidable foe—the ruler of Rosas, King Magnifico—to save her community and prove that when the will of one courageous human connects with the magic of the stars, wondrous things can happen. Disney India is all set to release 'Wish’ on November 24, 2023 only in cinemas.
This is the story of yet another empowering character, Asha, who makes the impossible happen for her. While audiences are eager to watch this magical offering from Disney, here is taking a look at some empowering animated films to watch before Wish.
1. Brave:
Brave which was released in 2012, gave us another empowered character in the form of Merida. Merida was a Scottish princess who excelled in archery, was independent in her thoughts and actions and defied all social norms that required her to behave like a regular princess.
2. Tangled:
Rapunzel is an old story originally written by the Brothers Grimm in 1812. Disney's modern version, Tangled, took the helpless princess trapped in a tower and gave her power - and a frying pan. This film showed that this classic princess story can be well adapted into modern times and have a princess carve her own path forward instead of being rescued.
3. Frozen:
Frozen is a 2013 animated musical fantasy film, where the protagonists Princess Elsa, Queen of Arendelle and her younger sister Anna want to live life for themselves, for each other, to fall in love but not make it their life’s centre and to discover themselves.
4. Moana:
The film Moana was released in 2016 and added a new princess of the same name to the world of Disney. However, this time, Moana wasn’t a regular princess. She was a representative of her people and picked up the weapons when she needed to save her kingdom.
5. Enchanto:
The Madrigal family from Disney's 2021 movie Encanto has its fair share of powerful women. The main protagonist of the movie, Mirabel, is a strong young woman who, despite not having any superpowers, becomes the strongest character in the movie.