A couple of days after Trisha Krishnan called out co-actor Mansoor Ali Khan for his "vile and disgusting" comments, Nungambakkam police registered a case against the Kollywood actor for his remark against the lead actress in the Tamil movie industry. The police booked a case under sections including sexual harassment of the Indian Penal Code. 

The action was taken based on a complaint by the National Women's Commission.

According to ANI, Chennai Police said, "Nungambakkam Police registers a case against actor Mansoor Ali Khan for his derogatory comments on actress Trisha Krishnan. Case has been registered under sections 354A and 509 of IPC."


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In a controversial statement, Mansoor Ali Khan said that he thought there would be a bedroom scene in which he would be playing a rapist but during their schedule for 'Leo' in Kashmir he never got to meet Trisha.

Following this, Trisha stated that she would never again work with Mansoor Ali Khan and called Khan's remarks "sexist, disrespectful, misogynistic, repulsive, and in bad taste."

Trisha also received support from various quarters on social media. Taking to X, senior actor Chiranjeevi said, "My attention was drawn to some reprehensible comments made by actor Mansoor Ali Khan about Trisha. The comments are distasteful and disgusting not just for an Artiste but for any woman or girl. These comments must be condemned in the strongest words. They reek of perversion." 

"I stand with @trishtrashers and every woman who has to be subject to such horrid comments," he said.