New Delhi: Dia Mirza tied the knot earlier this year with Vaibhav Rekhi in an intimate ceremony. The actress looked like a breath of fresh air in her red bridal saree. Now, Dia Mirza has dropped some more pictures acing the ethnic look in a red handmade Bandhani knots lehenga designed by Anita Dongre.
Sharing some pictures of her wearing this beautiful designed lehenga, Dia Mirza divulged into giving away the details of this outfit. The ‘Thappad’ actress wrote while sharing the post on her Instagram, “Work mode in this beautiful @grassrootbyanitadongre @anitadongre A constellation of handmade Bandhani knots is released over this red silk lehenga set. The patterns are highlighted with their signature craft of gota patti and additionally embellished with sequins, zardozi and dori patterns. Pockets included. A piece from their expanding conscious couture carrying the legacies of artisans and ancient craft.”
Dia Mirza keeps on promoting the Indian textile and handcraft industry through her outfits. She also shares pictures of her wearing handmade outfits. Last month, she shared some pictures wearing a beautiful white lehenga with golden works over the body. She wrote while sharing, “Here is a celebration of our rich Indian textile and handicraft. This was part of the collection called ‘Aarambh’ by @leffetbysanjevmarwaaha.” She added, “A Ivory modern contemporary lehenga in the brand’s signature zardozi embroidery. Inspired by Mughal floral and architectural motifs. A legacy of our culture”.
Speaking on the work front, Dia Mirza was last seen featuring in the Telugu film ‘Wild Dog’. She also starred in Netflix’s web series ‘Call My Agent Bollywood’.
Stay tuned for more updates.