New Delhi: Akshay Kumar, who will soon be seen in the film ‘Selfiee’ with Emraan Hashmi, already has another exciting project in the works. Production on the film ‘Bade Miyan Chote Miyan’, in which Akshay co-stars alongside Tiger Shroff, has been underway for just 15 days. The film features a slew of thrilling action scenes and stunts performed by the dynamic combo. On the 13th of February, Akshay wrote an adoring letter to his co-star and posted it on Instagram.

The actor expressed gratitude to Tiger Shroff, saying that the latter has "inspired" him. This is how Akshay Kumar began his letter: “Dear Tiger, I’m not someone who writes letters. Infact I am someone who does not write at all. But today I felt like doing this to make a special point. It was 32 years ago when I started my career with an action film. In these decades, I thought I had done it all. But just 15 days into filming one of our most ambitious projects, Bade Miyan Chote Miyan, I already feel tested. Both physically and mentally.”

Akshay Kumar discussed how filmmaker Ali Abbas Zafar challenged him to go outside of his comfort zone, saying, “Pain, injuries, broken bones, these are not new to me. But nothing has ever pushed me out of my comfort zone the way Ali Abbas Zafar, his team…and you have, in just two weeks. Bhai roz physiotherapy chal rahi hai. And I’m not complaining. Because the magic of life is always outside the comfort zone. New doors open when we push. Mountains move when we push. We come into this world with a push... Life happens when we push. I’m enjoying pushing my limits, especially when it is with someone who was born in the year that I started working in.”

Akshay Kumar spoke about working with Tiger Shroff, saying, “Tere saath yeh shoot karke badiya feel aa rahi hai, Tiger. We are doing amazing stunts, we talk fitness, we work out, and then we play volleyball till we crash.”

"So, thank you @tigerjackieshroff for inspiring me, challenging me and making me feel joyful in my zone. You and the whole team of Bade Miyan Chote Miyan have all my love and blessings. Cheers, Akshay.," he concluded.

'Bade Miyan Chote Miyan' is anticipated to open in theatres on December 25th, 2023.