Twitter CEO Elon Musk on Monday said that the Twitter team "completed" several works "over night", including improving the reach of retweets and "removed filter causing false negatives".

Musk tweeted: "More work team completed over night."

"Removed height penalty affecting tweets with pics/video, increased # of recommended tweets, better tracking of dropped tweets, removed filter causing false negatives, removed penalty if user follows author, improved reach of retweet," he added.

Musk on Sunday said that the engineers resolved two significant problems on the micro-blogging platform during a "long day at Twitter HQ" with him.

He said that the 'Fanout service for Following feed' was getting overloaded when "I tweeted, resulting in up to 95 per cent of my tweets not getting delivered at all".

ALSO READ: Elon Musk Fires Top Twitter Engineer Over Declining Reach: Report

Moreover, he said that the recommendation algorithm was using absolute block count, rather than percentile block count, "causing accounts with many followers to be dumped, even if blocks were only 0.1 per cent of followers".

Musk also said that oversized fonts and undersized paragraph spacing will be fixed this week.

Twitter last week said that it will charge $100 per month for the basic tier of API (Application Programming Interface). Initially, the company had planned to shut down free access to its API on February 9, but now it has extended the deadline to February 13.

The company shared the information on Twitter via its Twitter Dev account, saying: "We're excited to announce an extension of the current free Twitter API access through February 13."

"Paid basic access that offers low level of API usage, and access to Ads API for a $100 monthly fee."

Moreover, the company said that on February 13, it will depreciate the premium API, which was part of v1.1.

(With inputs from IANS)