New Delhi: Twitteratis are having a field day trolling Akshay Kumar over a Dabur Chyawanprash ad which gave the message that 'two spoon of Chyawanprash will help fight Covid-19'. Kumar is the brand ambassador for Dabur Chyawanprash and has been the face for all communication from the brand.
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Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar was hospitalised after testing positive for Covid-19. The actor took to Twitter and informed that he was hospitalised on Sunday evening and is currently stable. Akshay Kumar has said that he got admitted to the hospital as a precautionary measure and hopes to return home soon. Akshay Kumar is admitted to Dr. L H Hiranandani Hospital in Powai and is under observation.
On Sunday, Akshay had written, “I wish to inform everyone that, earlier this morning, I have tested positive for COVID-19. Following all the protocols, I have immediately isolated myself. I'm under home quarantine and have sought necessary medical care. I would sincerely request all those that have come in contact with me to get themselves tested and take care. Back in action very soon.”
Currently, no medicine has been approved to fight against novel Coronavirus. Although, Zydus Cadila seeks Drugs Controller General of India (DCGI) approval for the use of Pegylated Interferon alpha-2b in treating coronavirus.
According to Ministry of Health and Family Minister, a total of 8,31,10,926 vaccines have been administered.