The late actor Rishi Kapoor was known for his candidness and never shied away from speaking about any controversial topics. The actor had also spoken about his father Raj Kapoor's romance with the iconic actress Nargis. Rishi detailed this chapter in his autobiography, Khullam Khulla, and also discussed it on an old episode of Aap Ki Adalat. Rishi admitted that such affairs are almost inevitable in the film industry, where intense creative collaborations can sometimes ignite deeper connections. 

What Rishi Kapoor said about Raj Kapoor-Nargis relationship

Rishi said, "We respect that a filmmaker, while working, develops friendships. Sometimes, these friendships transform into something else. We work in the creative field, we seek inspiration from each other, we rely on each other. We are human beings, after all. And a human being will love only another human being. Kabhi kabhi shaadishuda logon ka aisa haadsa ho jaata hai. It is part of life, I guess." 

Rishi also said that the Kapoor family does not feel ashamed of this part of their history, and both families involved have maintained good relations. "We are not ashamed of this chapter in our lives. Both families are cordial with each other. But it happened. It’s history, and we respect that. It’s a part of history.” 

On Raj Kapoor-Vyjayanthimala relationship

Rishi’s book also disclosed that his mother put her foot down when Raj Kapoor's affair with Vyjayanthimala surfaced, having already endured his relationship with Nargis. "I was very young when my father had an affair with Nargis Ji, and so was not affected by it. I don’t remember feeling anything was amiss at home either. But I do remember moving into the Natraj Hotel on Marine Drive with my mom during the time Papa was involved with Vyjayanthimala," he wrote. 

The romance between Raj Kapoor and Nargis began on the set of their 1955 blockbuster Shree 420. Their on-screen chemistry quickly blossomed into a passionate off-screen relationship. Nargis later married Sunil Dutt, whom she met on the sets of their film Mother India.