New Delhi: Shah Rukh Khan was spotted at Mumbai airport on Tuesday displaying a cheerful demeanour. The actor, who has been avoiding the paparazzi recently, pleasantly surprised everyone with his presence. Engaging with fans and photographers gathered to catch a glimpse of him, Shah Rukh exchanged smiles and pleasantries. 

He graciously shook hands with some fans, and one enthusiast, who also happened to be a photographer, went a step further by kissing his hand as a display of affection. Despite the reactions from his entourage, the actor maintained a continuous smile, clearly enjoying the interaction with his admirers. Shah Rukh looked stylish in a black t-shirt, matching jacket, and cargo pants, with his hair pulled back into a ponytail. 

Shah Rukh Khan refutes rumours
Earlier on Tuesday, the actor denied the rumours about the actor’s involvement in the release of India’s naval officers from Qatar. The actor released a statement and called the 'assertions of his involvement unfounded’. 

The statement read, “Regarding the reports concerning Shah Rukh Khan's purported role in the release of India's naval officers from Qatar, the office of Mr. Shah Rukh Khan says that any such assertions of his involvement are unfounded, emphasizing the execution of this successful resolution solely rests with the Indian government officials and unequivocally denies Mr.Khan’s participation in this matter.”  

“Additionally, all matters involving diplomacy and statecraft are best executed by our very able leaders. Mr. Khan like many other Indians is happy that the naval officers are home safe and wishes them all the best.” 

The statement came after former Rajya Sabha MP Subramanian Swamy tweeted that the actor had a role in persuading the Qatar government to set eight Indian Navy veterans free who were held on espionage charges. He wrote, "Modi should take Cinema star Sharuk Khan to Qatar with him since after MEA and NSA had failed to persuade the Shiekhs of Qatar, Modi pleaded with Khan to intervene , and thus got an expensive settlement from the Qatar Shiekhs to free our Naval officers." 

Recently, Shah Rukh Khan visited Qatar as a guest of honor to attend the AFC Final. Photographs captured him receiving greetings from Qatari Prime Minister Mohammed bin Abdulrahman bin Jassim Al Thani.