New Delhi: Lights, camera, drama! The IIFA Awards 2023 in Abu Dhabi have been buzzing with excitement, but not all moments have been picture-perfect. A video of Vicky Kaushal attempting to meet Salman Khan has gone viral, showing the ‘Zara Hatke Zara Bachke’ actor being pushed away by Salman's bodyguards. However, Vicky has now spoken out about the incident, stating that things may not be as they seem in the video and that there's no point in talking about it.
While some fans have expressed disappointment at Salman Khan’s alleged behaviour, others have come to his defence, citing the bodyguards' actions were valid. Regardless of where one stands on the issue, it's clear that tensions can run high in the world of Bollywood, where egos and rivalries can often clash.
Vicky Kaushal has responded to reports that Salman Khan's bodyguards pushed him and prevented him from seeing the ‘Tiger 3’ star at the current IIFA in Abu Dhabi. At the major show's Green Carpet press conference, Vicky told reporters that the video's depiction of events may not be accurate.
He told PTI, "Kayi baar bahut baatein badh jaati hain.(Oftentimes things are blown out of proportion). There is this unnecessary chatter about things. And things aren't how they seem in a video. There's no point in talking about that."
Vicky's most recent movie, 'Govinda Naam Mera' (2022), released on Disney+ Hotstar. He costarred with Kiara Advani and Bhumi Pednekar. He made an appearance with DJ Mohabbat as the mysterious DJ in Anurag Kashyap's 'Almost Pyaar' in February. Additionally scheduled for release this year are Meghna Gulzar's 'Sam Bahadur', Laxman Utekar's 'Zara Hatke Zara Bach Ke', and an untitled movie with Anand Tiwari for Prime Video.
Meanwhile, at the press conference of the 2023 IIFA in Abu Dhabi, Salman Khan revealed that he has finally finished shooting the much-awaited film, ‘Tiger 3’.
ALSO READ: Caught On Camera: Salman Khan's Security Pushes Away Vicky Kaushal At IIFA Event — Watch Viral Clip