New Delhi: Tamil actor Vishnu Vishal is currently facing a rather unfortunate situation at his residence in Chennai. In the ongoing flood scenario, Vishnu shared a series of images on social media, showing how the neighbourhood has flooded. Vishnu shared pictures of rising water levels on his official Twitter handle.
Taking to X, the actor wrote, "Water is entering my house, and the level is rising badly in Karapakkam. I have called for help. No electricity, no wifi, no phone signal. Nothing. Only on the terrace at a particular point, I get some signal. Let’s hope I and so many here get some help. I can feel for people all over Chennai. #staystrong.”
Soon after Vishnu shared the update on social media, his comments section was flooded with support from his fans. Many also accused the current administration in Tamil Nadu and their inability to address the flood situation.
The India Meteorological Department said that the deep depression over the Bay of Bengal on Sunday intensified into a cyclonic storm 'Michaung' and is likely to cross the South Andhra Pradesh coast between Nellore and Machilipatnam during the forenoon of December 5 with a maximum sustained wind speed of 80-90 kmph gusting to 100 kmph. IMD's bulletin also stated that the system could result in heavy rains in most parts of southern Odisha and coastal region of the state.
The name Michaung (pronounced as migjaum) was suggested by Myanmar and it means strength or resilience.
Meanwhile, on the work front, Vishnu will next be seen in AishwaryaRajinikanth's 'Lal Salaam' which stars Rajinikanth in an extended cameo. The actor will also be seen in 'Mohandas' and 'Aaryan' in the pipeline.