New Delhi: Swara Bhaskar and Fahad Ahmed are now parents to a newborn daughter Raabiyaa. Last month, the new parents held a chhathi puja on the sixth day of the birth of their daughter. Recently, Sawar Bhasker opened up about the birthing experience. In an interview with ETimes, the actor opened up about giving birth to her daughter on September 23. Sharing that it was the 'hardest thing', Swara shared, "I can’t believe that women have done this for millennia without epidurals and multiple times."
"It’s a blessing. It’s also the hardest thing I’ve ever done. I can’t believe that women have done this for millennia without epidurals and multiple times. Fahad and I are so grateful for all the help and support we’ve had from our doctors and the teams and staff and the hospital and our family, friends and well-wishers. We are blessed to be enveloped in love. The birthing experience really makes you realise that we don’t thank our mothers enough," she told the portal.
Soon after the birth of her first-born, Swara treated her Instagram followers with images of her baby girl, herself and husband Fahad and wrote, "A prayer heard, a blessing granted, a song whispered a mystic truth. Our baby girl Raabiyaa was born on 23rd September 2023. With grateful and happy hearts, thank you for your love! It's a whole new world."
Swara married Fahad in February this year. The couple announced Swara's pregnancy in June via an Instagram post.
Earlier, this month, the actor spoke to HT City about becoming a mother to her baby girl Raabiyaa and said, "All children are a reflection of what their parents are, they grow up with the values their parents give. Raabiyaa will have the best of both the worlds. She will have access to two kinds of faith. It is like how India is a mish mash of caste and religion. In fact, the two families were chatting post her birth, and discovered that the chhathhi (sixth day after the baby's birth) is common to both Hindus and Muslims. I think that is beautiful. We focus on the differences, but there is so much similarity. When you look for differences with an agenda, then you will find that rubbish.”