Trans model and singer-actor Sushant Divgikr took to Instagram and shared that a recent high-profile Bollywood wedding was plagued by uninvited guests attempting to gatecrash. The former Bigg Boss contestant wrote, “Just experienced several people gate crashing and/or trying to gate crash a celebrity wedding recently.”
Did someone crash Sonakshi's wedding reception?
Divgikr expressed astonishment at the lengths some people would go to, saying, “I can’t believe people will get fully dressed, pretend like they’re invited, and then sneak in!! For what joy? So you can enter and just make some reels? I am in disbelief as to how people can be so faaaaltu.”
The timing of the post led many social media users to speculate that Divgikr was referring to Sonakshi Sinha and Zaheer Iqbal’s wedding reception in Mumbai, which was recently attended by the singer-actor. Sonakshi herself seemed to confirm the speculation by commenting on the post with a laughing face emoji.
Sonakshi and Zaheer's wedding
Sonakshi Sinha married her longtime boyfriend Zaheer Iqbal in an intimate civil ceremony at her Mumbai home, attended by close family members including her parents, Shatrughan and Poonam Sinha, and Zaheer’s parents. The couple later hosted a grand reception at Bastian, a popular Mumbai hotspot, for their friends and family. The event saw the attendance of Bollywood celebs such as Salman Khan, Kajol, Aditi Rao Hydari, and Rekha.
Sonakshi and Zaheer posted pictures from their reception with the caption, "Whattttt a day!!!! The love, the laughter, the togetherness, the excitement, the warmth, the support from every one of our friends, families and teams… it was like the universe came together for two people in love to give them exactly what they’ve always hoped, wished and prayed for ❤️ If this is not divine intervention… we don't know what is ✨ We are both truly blessed to have each other and so much love protecting us 🧿"
The couple has deactivated their comment section from their post due to the backlash they have received because of inter-faith marriage.
Sushant Divgikr, who identifies as gender-fluid and uses the pronouns he, she, and they, also attended the reception and shared photos from the event on Instagram. Divgikr, who is also known by their drag name Rani KoHEnur, often posts singing reels on Instagram.