New Delhi: Shah Rukh Khan has delivered a number of critically acclaimed films over the last three decades. Together with Divya Bharti, Rishi Kapoor, and Amrish Puri, he made his acting debut in the 1992 film ‘Deewana’. On Sunday night, to mark the 31st anniversary of his Bollywood first film, 'Deewana,' Shah Rukh Khan interacted with his fans on Twitter. The actor hosted an "Ask SRK" session. He was also questioned about his song 'Chaiyya Chaiyaa' being played at the White House to welcome Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

Shah Rukh Khan started off the Ask SRK chat by writing, “Wow just realised it’s 31 yrs to the day when ‘Deewana’ hit the screens. It’s been quite a ride, mostly a good one.”

After Prime Minister Narendra Modi's recent trip to the United States, one of Shah Rukh's fans asked him about it.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi was officially welcomed to the United States on Thursday by President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden. 

Penn Masala, a South Asian a cappella group, wowed the White House crowd by singing "Chaiyya Chaiyya," a classic from Shah Rukh Khan's 1998 film ‘Dil Se’, in honour of Prime Minister Modi's arrival. Mani Ratnam directed the film that starred Manisha Koirala and Preity Zinta in the lead roles.

A fan asked during ‘Ask SRK’, “Sir Chaiyya Chaiyya chants welcomed Modi Ji in US....What do you wanna say about this?” 

Shah Rukh Khan replied to the tweet saying, “Wish I was there to dance to it….but they wouldn’t allow a train inside I guess??!!!” 

There was an immediate reaction from fans, with one commenting, "clever response." 

Meanwhile, Shah Rukh Khan was most recently seen with Deepika Padukone and John Abraham in the blockbuster film ‘Pathaan’. His next film is Atlee's ‘Jawan’, with Vijay Sethupathi and Nayanthara. 

ALSO READ: Being Able To Entertain Lots Of People: Shah Rukh Khan On 31 Years Of Film Debut