New Delhi: Shah Rukh Khan proudly displayed his son Aryan Khan's D'Yavol X brand, giving off the air of a happy father at an airport recently. With his posters in hand, SRK was spotted with glee identifying the brand in the airport duty-free area. The actor posted a video to his social media accounts of him identifying the branding.

SRK spotting D'Yavol X at airport

“D’YAVOL X was nice to see this at the airport. Time to get some stuff online now!!.” SRK captioned the video he shared on his official Instagram account.


SRK has been endorsing Aryan's brand alongside his daughter Suhana. The father-daughter team also participated in a promotional photo session where they wore some of the company's rugged-look collection. The entire collection, which included the hoodie Killing Smokes that reportedly cost Rs 41,000 and the denim jacket that SRK wore in one of the photos worth Rs. 99,000, was allegedly sold out in less than a day after it went on sale. Shah Rukh celebrated the brand's milestone by posting a story on Instagram.

SRK has been actively pushing Aryan's high-end brand on social media. Since the release of the new collection, he has been sharing photos of himself wearing the brand's clothing.


T-shirts, crop tops, hoodies, and denim jackets are all part of the brand's new "Triple Threat. X-2" collection, which is expected to cost between Rs 16,000 and Rs 99,000.


D'Yavol X was introduced by Aryan Khan in April 2023. After just a year, the brand has already become popular. Ed Sheeran was recently spotted showing off a denim jacket from the company. In addition to running his fashion line, Aryan has other ventures. He also owns the vodka brand D'Yavol; Slab Ventures is the umbrella brand for both of his initial worldwide luxury collections.