New Delhi: After Sidhu Moose Wala, actor Salman Khan has been getting death threats from the infamous Lawrence Bishnoi gang. Recently, in an interview with India Today, Goldy Brar( a key member of the gang) shared why he killed the Punjabi singer Moose Wala. The Canada-based gangster also shared that he will definitely kill Salman Khan in the same interview. This statement comes months after the Mumbai Police amped up security outside the megastar's house after the threat calls and letters from the gang that have made headlines.
In a TV interview, Goldy Brar said that they will definitely kill Salman Khan unless he aplogises for huting the sentiments of the Bishnoi community by killing a blackbuck in 1998. The blackbuck is considered sacred by the Bishnoi community.
Goldy told India Today, "Bhai saheb ( referring to Lawrence Bishnoi) had stated that he wouldn't apologise. Baba will show mercy only when he feels merciful." "Like we have said earlier, it's not just about Salman Khan. We will continue our attempts against all our enemies as long as we're alive. Salman Khan is our target, there's no doubt about that. We'll keep trying, and when we succeed, you'll know."
About Sidhu Moose Wala, Goldy Brar admitted, "Sidhu Moosewala was an egoistic person. He misused his political and money power. It was necessary to teach him a lesson, and he was taught one," to kill Moosewala for his arrogance. Goldy had previously shared a Facebook post that said that Sidhu Moose Wala was killed to avenge the murder of a Youth Akali Dal leader, Vicky Middukhera. He reiterated the same in the interview.
Earlier, Lawrence Bishnoi had told the NIA that Salman Khan was among his top targets.
"I know whatever is going to happen will happen no matter what you do. I believe that (points upwards, referring to God) that he is there. It is not that I will start roaming freely, it is not like that. Now there are so many Sheras around me. So many guns are going around with me that I am scared these days," Salman Khan said in April after receiving a threat call.