New Delhi: Kapil Sharma’s show ‘The Great Indian Kapil Show’ premiered on Netflix on Saturday (March 30) with Ranbir Kapoor, Riddhima Kapoor, and Neetu Kapoor as the first guests of the show. On the show, Riddhima shared an intriguing tale about Bollywood superstar Salman Khan taking up the role of bartender at her wedding. 

Kapil unveiled some behind-the-scenes snippets from his new show in which he is seen asking Riddhima about her favourites from the film fraternity. While she mentioned her parents, Neetu Kapoor, and the late Rishi Kapoor’s name. Riddhima's brother, Ranbir disclosed about her admiration for Salman Khan and also shared that she used to have his posters in her room. 

What Neetu Kapoor said about Salman Khan being bartender at Riddhima's wedding
When Kapil probed further about Salman's involvement as the bartender at her wedding to businessman Bharat Sahni, Riddhima affirmed with a 'Yes.' Neetu Kapoor joined in, regaling the audience with the anecdote. Recounting the incident, she said, “Salman said I will be the bartender. I said theek hai. Salman Khan serving liquor to everybody right. So he went. Then the waiters came and told us that the liquor is getting over. Rishi ji was like, ‘I got so much. How is it over?’ Then we saw that the guests were throwing their liquor and asking Salman to pour more. Everybody wanted to ask for a drink because it was Salman Khan behind the bar. Then Rishi ji went and told Salman, ‘Yaar tu nikal vaha se (Come out from there)’.” 

Riddhima Kapoor, known for her venture into jewelry design, exchanged vows with businessman Bharat Sahni in 2006, following a four-year courtship that blossomed during their time studying in London. In 2011, they welcomed their daughter, Samara Sahni. 

Riddhima will also be seen in the third part of the series 'Fabulous Lives of Bollywood Wives', titled 'Fabulous Lives Vs Bollywood Wives'. 

Also Read: Here A Few Things That Kapil Sharma Should Change On 'The Great Indian Kapil Show' On Netflix