New Delhi: Saira Banu and Dilip Kumar’s on-screen chemistry and real-life romance, which is nothing short of magical, never failed to wow audiences. Their almost 55 years of marriage were filled with joy and support for each other through good times and bad. Saira Banu published her first social media post on July 7th and has used her page ever since to memorialise and share stories about her late husband Dilip Kumar. She recently discussed Dilip Kumar's fondness for rain and his proposal story.
On Friday, Saira Banu reflected on the night Dilip Kumar asked her to marry him. The actress posted a throwback photo of them together, recalling their early years together. In the pictures, they can be seen laughing in the rain.
She added a lengthy message, saying, “Rain rain go to Spain'. As a 7-year-old girl child schooling in London, we all chanted this line in chorus with my friends ceremoniously! Heaven knows why but this was so common with the erratic English weather. You never know when the sun shines and next the rain. This was the common chant with us kids. As for my family here back in Mumbai and later on as I wedded Dilip Sahib. We all loved the rain."
The veteran actor continued by saying that Dilip Kumar loved the rain. He asked her to marry him on a rainy night on Juhu Beach. She wrote, “Sahib loved the rain and if he was out of the house in a meeting and there would be a first shower...he would immediately call me with delight, Saira it's raining! In fact, many years ago as we walked by Juhu Beach in the quiet of a wondrous night, there was a sudden shower of rain and he protectively took off his jacket and draped it around my shoulders... that was the magical night that we sat in his car and he asked me... Will you marry me?”
Saira Banu and Dilip Kumar got married on October 11 in 1966. Dilip Kumar passed away on July 7, 2021, at the age of 98.