New Delhi: Ramanand Sagar's legendary TV series Ramayan famously starred Sunil Lahri as Laxmana. Sunil has now taken to social media to share his displeasure with the Ayodhya people's selections in the 2024 Lok Sabha elections. Even though the BJP played a major part in the opening of the Ram temple in Ayodhya earlier this year, Sunil criticised the voters for choosing Samajwadi Party candidate Awadhesh Prasad over BJP candidate Lallu Singh. The result came as a shock to many, especially considering the BJP's role in launching the Ram Mandir in January.
In Instagram stories, Sunil Lahri called out the Ayodhya people, calling them "selfish" and accusing them of "betraying their king." He wrote, “We forgot that these are the same Ayodhya citizens who doubted Goddess Sita after she returned from exile. What do you call the person who even denies God? Selfish. History stands proof that the citizens of Ayodhya always betrayed their king. Shame on them (Translated from Hindi).”
The Ayodhya Ram temple is politically and emotionally charged in India, and Sunil Lahri's comments have ignited a controversy on social media.
He also compared the people of Ayodhya to Katappa, the character from Baahubali. According to the film, Katappa murdered his king, Amarendra Baahubali.
Arun Govil Wins Meerut Lok Sabha Seat
Sunil Lahri’s Ramayan co-star Arun Govil—who portrayed the lead part Rama in the series—won the Lok Sabha elections in Uttar Pradesh's Meerut. Govil won with 10,585 votes more than Sunita Verma, the candidate from the Samajwadi Party.
Sunil congratulated his colleague on the victory. He said, "I am happy that two people, I really like, have won the elections. First, Kangana Ranaut. She is the epitome of women empowerment and has won from Mandi (Himachal Pradesh). Second, my elder brother, Arun Govil, who won it from Meerut. Congratulations and best wishes to both of them."