New Delhi: Actor Rakul Preet Singh, who is all set to marry actor-producer Jackky Bhagnani, has shared her philosophy on what makes a good marriage. Rakul talked candidly about her relationship fears, claiming that she and Jackky had talked about them before they ever dated.

Rakul stated in a Cosmopolitan interview that while there isn't a "mantra" for a happy relationship, it's crucial to "be complete in yourself first to be able to complete someone else. And that’s something that both Jackky [Bhagnani] and I have spoken about.”

She further continued, "Even before we started dating, we spoke about it—the understanding that you know of your shortcomings and work on your relationship with absolutely no insecurities. If one of the partners is insecure, the relationship cannot be healthy. And it boils down to being complete in yourself as a person to be able to be more giving in a relationship.”


On being asked about the importance of being with the right person for a woman, the actress said, "All those women who are ambitious should be smart enough to take their time and find a partner who understands them and their dreams so that they can share responsibilities.” 

The actor advised women to maintain their optimism and embrace their femininity as a strength. Finding a partner who is understanding and supportive of their goals is crucial, she emphasised. She said that while both sexes are capable of achieving their objectives, women are much more capable.

Rakul and Jackky are reportedly getting married in a lavish Goan ceremony on February 21. The pair was recently sighted together with their parents in Mumbai.