New Delhi: Actor Rahul Roy made his Bollywood debut in Mahesh Bhatt's 1990 movie Aashiqui opposite Anu Agarwal. The movie rose to fame at the time and is still cherished for its soundtrack. Roy recently revealed that after meeting Bhatt, he was chosen for the position within a short period of time. The actor additionally disclosed that when his character was introduced in the film in theatres, he witnessed audience members tossing pennies at the screen out of excitement.

Rahul claimed to Bollywood Hungama that his mother, a writer, recommended that him to meet Mahesh Bhatt. The actor stated that Bhatt told him he would be casting him in the movie "within 4 to 6 minutes of our first meeting."

Sharing his experience of accompanying directors Mahesh Bhatt and Mukesh Bhatt to Mumbai's Metro Cinema to see the audience's reaction, Rahul said, "After Aashiqui’s release, Mahesh and Mukesh accompanied me to Metro Cinema. Outside, people cheered for me. I didn’t have bodyguards then. Inside the theatre, people threw coins when my character was introduced with the song Saanson Ki Jarurat Hai Jaise." The actor also shared that overwhelmed with the audience's reaction, he called Mahesh Bhatt to express gratitude for making him a star, overnight.

Despite Rahul making a mark with his performance in the film, he did not get any offers for six months but things changed when he signed 11 films in 47 days. “For six months, I didn’t get anything. But then in 11 days, I signed 47 films,” shared Rahul. The actor also revealed that he was paid Rs 30, 000 for 'Aashiqui' which was a massive box-office success.

In recognition of Mahesh Bhatt's role in helping establish Rahul's career in the film industry, Rahul made a point of giving him a portion of his income following the film's success. The actor shared, "Whatever I felt like giving him, I used to go there and give to him. He used to ask for books, so I used to gift him books."

Rahul Roy is currently recuperating after suffering from a brain stroke in November 2020.

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