Actor Parineeti Chopra’s husband and politician Raghav Chadha posted an old video of his wife on Instagram. In the brief clip, the actor can be seen singing, and Raghav said he got goosebumps after listening to her. Taking to Instagram on Thursday, he shared a throwback clip of the actor crooning the track Sajde from her film ‘Kill Dil’, which also starred Ranveer Singh and Ali Zafar. 

Raghav Chadha shares old video of Parineeti Chopra

Posting the video, Raghav Chadha wrote, “Goosebumps!!!!! Found this gem - my wife looking like a child, but singing like a pro... Paru, why don’t you sing more often?”

Reacting to the post, Parineeti Chopra wrote, "Whatttt?! Whatt surprise is this! I'm waiting for your call and you're posting on social media? But also, of course forgiven because of this."

Parineeti shared the video on her Instagram Stories as well. "His romantic gestures are hard to understand!” she wrote.

ALSO READ: Video Of Teenage Parineeti Chopra Singing On Doordarshan Goes Viral, Fans Say ‘She Is Still Same’

About Parineeti Chopra and Raghav Chadha 

Parineeti shared a romantic photo of herself and Raghav last month. She shared an unfiltered photo of him staring at his phone while seated in a cafe. The couple also went to the Wimbledon Final earlier on July 14.

In the presence of their close friends and family, Parineeti Chopra and Raghav Chadha got married on September 24, 2023, at the Leela Palace Hotel in Udaipur, Rajasthan. Many prominent politicians and members of the entertainment industry were present at the event.

Parineeti Chopra films

On the work front, Parineeti was last seen in Imtiaz Ali-directed film ‘Amar Singh Chamkila’. The musical biopic, starring Diljit Dosanjh, was released on Netflix on April 12, 2024.