New Delhi: A month ago, Poonam Pandey made headlines when she pretended to die! According to a message on her Instagram account, the actor's death was caused by cervical cancer. Later, she explained that she intentionally announced her death to raise awareness about cervical cancer. After her fake death stunt, Poonam Pandey emerged for the first time in public. On Thursday (February 22), photographers captured her in Mumbai as she stepped out, smiling and waving at them. 

In a video circulating on social media, Poonam Pandey appeared to be heading to a temple, dressed in a salwar kameez and carrying an arti plate. She looked vibrant in a yellow embroidered kurta with a pink dupatta. She styled her long hair in soft curls.

The actress can be seen taking pictures with the kids inside a temple in Mumbai. 

Poonam didn't say much and graciously posed for the paparazzi. However, the reactions on social media weren't so kind. Some referred to her as the "Undertaker's sister" as a joke, while others humorously quoted dialogues from the movie 'Welcome', saying, "Look, she's alive!"

About Poonam Pandey’s fake death case

The unexpected news of Poonam Pandey's demise was announced through an Instagram post on February 2. The post claimed that she had lost her battle with cervical cancer and requested privacy during the time of mourning. However, the revelation turned out to be a stunt, leaving many outraged by her insensitivity.

The actress stunned everyone the next day when she confirmed she was ‘alive’. She said that spreading the word about her death was all in an effort to raise awareness about cervical cancer. 

The actress-model's subsequent publicity stunt was deemed "highly wrong" and "unacceptable" by the All Indian Cine Workers Association. The association also called for an FIR against her.