New Delhi: Parineeti Chopra, who got married to AAP leader Raghav Chadha on September 24, is enjoying herself on a trip with her girl gang in Maldives. The actress took to her Instagram to share glimpses of her amazing time. Before anyone questioned the actor about whether or not she was on her honeymoon, she gave a piece of clarification herself. Both Parineeti and Raghav seem to be preoccupied with their work and hence, they haven't got the chance to plan a honeymoon yet.

On Monday morning, Parineeti Chopra, who recently strutted down the catwalk with sindoor and her wedding chooda (bangles), uploaded pictures from her trip. The first picture is of the place she is staying, and then another one is taken with the actor's hand holding a cup of coffee.


Parineeti wrote, "Not on my honeymoon. #Girlstrip”.

Parineeti discussed her affinity for the sindoor and saree style during a recent fashion week. "I'm going to put a lot of time into festival preparation this year. As a result, even if you call me for a birthday celebration, I'll show up looking like this," the actor told the media at the event.


Following the wedding, Parineeti Chopra has been seen travelling alone through airports while wearing her sindoor and chooda the entire time.

On the work front, Parineeti played a minor role in the just-released Mission Raniganj movie starring Akshay Kumar. This year, she has not had any additional releases. She appeared in the films Uunchai and Code Name: Tiranga last year. She is now anticipating the Amar Singh Chamkila biopic directed by Imtiaz Ali, which will include Diljit Dosanjh in the major role.

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