New Delhi: The brilliance and versatility of Sanam Saeed have captivated Indian audiences to watch Pakistani dramas. As we join in the celebration of her birthday, let's delve into a list of her remarkable shows that have become quintessential viewing experiences. From the small screen to the grandeur of cinema, Sanam Saeed's performances have left an indelible influence on enthusiasts of Pakistani entertainment. 

Here's a curated list of her top five hits, where her acting finesse truly positions her as a showstopper.

Zindagi Gulzar Hai 

Sanam Saeed's portrayal of Kashaf Murtaza in Zindagi’s pioneer show ‘Zindagi Gulzar Hai’ stands as a testament to her exceptional acting prowess. The blockbuster drama, directed by Sultana Siddiqui, revolves around the lives of two individuals from different socio-economic backgrounds. Widespread acclaim poured in for Sanam's portrayal, and she seamlessly brought out the layers of Kashaf's personality – the resilience, the vulnerability, and the strength that defined her. 


‘Zindagi Gulzar Hai’ not only became a massive hit in Pakistan but also gained international recognition, with Sanam Saeed emerging as a force to be reckoned with in the entertainment industry. 


Meera, played by Sanam, is not your typical heroine; she is a character with shades of grey, navigating a world filled with complexities and contradictions. Sanam's performance in ‘Kadoorat mesmerised the audience as she skillfully brought out the subtleties of Meera's personality. Her ability to portray both vulnerability and strength added a realistic touch to the character, making Meera relatable to viewers. The show, known for its unconventional storyline and exploration of societal norms, provided a perfect canvas for Sanam to showcase her acting finesse. 


Sanam Saeed's versatility took centre stage in the anthology series ‘Firaaq’ (2014). This unique show, directed by Abis Raza, provided Sanam with the opportunity to showcase her acting prowess by portraying different characters in each episode. Her ability to seamlessly transition between roles highlighted her versatility and acting finesse. Each episode of ‘Firaaq’ presented a new story, and Sanam's portrayal in each narrative was nothing short of a masterclass.


In the unconventional drama ‘Deedan’ (2018), Sanam Saeed once again proved her mettle by taking on the challenging role of Resham. Resham is a character that challenges conventional norms, and the depth of Sanam's performance was praised for its authenticity. 

Dil Banjara 

In the romantic drama ‘Dil Banjaara’ (2016), Sanam Saeed took on the role of Fariha, a character that showcased her remarkable ability to breathe life into complex roles. As Fariha, Sanam brought a perfect blend of vulnerability and strength to the character. Her portrayal of a woman navigating the challenges of love and life resonated with the audience, making Fariha a character that viewers could connect with on an emotional level.