New Delhi: A recent clip featuring Pakistani actor and TV presenter Nadia Khan has stirred discussions across social media platforms, where she is seen saying that Bollywood actors are insecure of Pakistani actors. In the clip, extracted from an episode of 'Kya Drama Hai Uncut Version,' Nadia Khan asserts that top Bollywood actors, including Shah Rukh, Salman and Aamir Khan, have insecurities towards talented artists from Pakistan. 

What Nadia Khan said about Bollywood actors
Speaking in Urdu, Nadia said, “When our actors, people like Fawad, started working in India and gaining massive popularity, some of India’s biggest actors became insecure. They made it an issue, and got them banned. It wasn’t like the politicians had issues with our actors, it was the Indian stars who felt threatened. They knew that the Indian public would go gaga over our stars, because they’re actually talented. They don’t need to show off their bodies; their eyes get the job done, and their dialogue delivery.” 

Furthermore, Nadia contends that it wasn't merely political figures who opposed Pakistani talent but also top-tier Bollywood actors who feared the rising popularity of their Pakistani counterparts among Indian audiences. She singles out recent successes of Pakistani actors, such as Wahaj Ali and Bilal Abbas Khan, who have garnered significant admiration from Indian viewers, causing further apprehension among Indian celebrities. 

“Now, the issue is that the Indian public actually loves our stars. You have no idea how popular they are over there. Pakistani shows are made at half the cost of Indian shows. And our artists are passionate, they want their work to be seen globally. Recently what our actors Wahaj and Bilal (Seemingly hinting at Wahaj Ali and Bilal Abbas Khan), have done has made the Indian public fall in love with them... these stars in India are viral, you have no idea about their fan following in India. The Khans are insecure. Because they don’t have stars in this age bracket there,” she said 

Netizens react to Nadia's comment
The clip has sparked a flurry of reactions online, with users expressing a range of opinions. While some dismiss Nadia's claims as delusional, others echo her sentiments, citing instances where Pakistani artists left an indelible mark in Bollywood despite limited screen time. 

Following the Uri attack in 2016, Pakistani artists faced a ban from participating in Bollywood projects. Subsequently, in 2019, the All Indian Cine Workers Association banned Pakistani performers following the Pulwama terror attack.