New Delhi: Nora Fatehi has been ruling Bollywood dance space for quite some time now. Recently, in an interaction with a news portal, Nora spoke about her struggles, her stardom, the good, bad, evil and amazing moments of stardom. In the interview with BBC Asian Network, the actor-dancer-singer spoke about taking up odd jobs during her struggling days to make ends meet.

Nora also spoke about being an outsider in this tight-knit industry, the challenges of making it in a different country. The Dilbar star also spoke about maintaining a positive attitude despite the social media scrutiny, why self-love is important to her and her idol Helen, whose dance videos she watched for inspiration. 

Speaking about how she taught herself how to dance and learn a different language, Nora told BBC Asian Network, "Whatever opportunities I have got have been at the very last minute and thankfully I was prepared. I wouldn’t go out and socialise and party like all the other girls did and have a boyfriend. I’d lock myself in a room every day, learn the language, watch TV and practice in my room. I missed out on my brother’s wedding, his birthday, everything. So many people were like, ‘you want to be like the next Katrina Kaif?.” 

When Nora spoke about working at a hookah bar, she spke about the body language of a star wokring at a shisha lounge , "It’s a thing. You just pick up a shisha, just like, ‘Here’s your shisha, how is it? Yes!’ It’s not a ‘Oh, you need me. Alright cool, I’m here'."

Nora also spoke about the veteran actor Helen and about the honour of playing Helen in a biopic if it ever gets made. She spoke about studying Helen's dance videos, "I really studied all her videos properly, even the breathing spaces of the shoulder movements, the hands and just the aura! I had to be feminine, I had to be poised, I had to be very flirty and I had to own it."

"I mean if the filmmakers ever think of me, because I feel like we have so many similarities. She came from a different country, I did, it was tough for both of us, we were introduced to the world through dance and that too in a different genre of dance. We changed what dance meant in cinema… If anyone would need to embody that and really show what that emotion is, I think I would really be able to connect with that."

Meanwhile, Nora Fatehi performed at the IIFA awards 2023 in Yas Island, Abu Dhabi. Nora's stardom has crossed Indian and Asian territories especially after collaborating with multiple artists for the FIFA 2022 World Cup Anthem 'Light The Sky'.