Film producer Krishan Kumar’s wife Tanya Singh opened up on the heartbreaking circumstances surrounding the death of their 20-year-old daughter, Tishaa, earlier this year. Initially reported as a cancer-related death, Tanya has now revealed that her daughter’s passing was due to alleged medical malpractice and a misdiagnosis.
In an emotional Instagram post on Thursday, Tanya shared her side of the story, accompanied by a video compilation of cherished moments with Tishaa, spanning her childhood to her final months. Addressing the tragedy, Tanya wrote, "A lot of people have been writing and asking me to tell what happened. Truth is subjective & relative to how one perceives it. When a pure, innocent soul goes through injustice due to someone / some other bad doings, things get complicated and confusing & suddenly it’s too late!"
Allegations of misdiagnosis and medical negligence
Tanya’s post highlighted the family's ordeal, alleging that a vaccine Tishaa received at the age of 15 may have triggered an autoimmune response, which was then wrongly diagnosed. She further explained how the family unknowingly fell into a "medical trap," misinterpreting swollen lymph nodes, which could have been linked to emotional trauma or untreated infections, as a severe illness.
She wrote, “She had a vaccine at age 15&1/2 which possibly triggered an autoimmune situation , which was wrongly diagnosed(we did not know this at the time) Parents,if,God forbid your child just has ‘lymph node swellings’~ PLEASE make sure to get a second & third opinion before going in for a ‘bone-marrow’test or a biopsy. Lymph nodes are the body’s defence guards & they can also swell due to emotional trauma ,etc, or due to a previous infection not treated fully. We were already sucked into the ‘medical trap’ much before all this information found us. I pray daily that no kid should ever have to face this cruel world of medical traps or hidden negative forces 🙏🏼.”
Remembering Tishaa’s strength
Despite the challenges she faced, Tanya described her daughter as a beacon of resilience and courage. "My daughter TISHAA, no matter what went down, she never, not once gave in to fear or depression. She has been the bravest version of brave, the most fearless and cool 20-year-old ever and that’s what TISHAA wanted to spread to kids her age/ younger/older… how to ‘not’ let medical diagnosis etc scare you,coz she knew that the body is a biological being for whom immunity is key and she wanted to help spread the word through her experience of overcoming a misdiagnosis,& dealing with ‘chemo SIDE EFFECTS‘ with BIOMEDICINE," Tanya wrote.
Outpouring of support
Tanya’s candid revelations struck a chord with Instagram users, many of whom expressed their condolences and outrage. Some urged the family to take legal action against the medical professionals involved. One user commented, "Sue the doctors and medical team who misdiagnosed." Tanya’s sister, actor Natasha Singh, also weighed in, saying, "I’m just waiting for the Divine Justice. Like you said 'the ones with the brightest light are attacked the most'."
Tanya Singh, known for her role in the film 'Dhadkan', married Krishan Kumar in 2001. Their daughter, Tishaa, was their only child. Krishan Kumar, the younger brother of the late Gulshan Kumar, co-owns T-Series alongside his nephew Bhushan Kumar.