New Delhi: Bollywood actor and politician Kangana Ranaut recently sold her Pali Hill Mumbai office for Rs 32 crore. The office was used as the headquarters for her production company, Manikarnika Films. According to Kangana, the decision was made because the upcoming film ‘Emergency’ was delayed.
Kangana Ranaut came clean about her heavy investment in ‘Emergency’, saying that she had even used her own property to fund the production. In an interview with News18, the actress shared, “Naturally, my film was supposed to release. I put all my personal property on it. Now that it's not released, so anyway, that's what properties are for – for times of crisis.”
The property is located in a very desirable location of Bandra, Pali Hill, Mumbai. In 2017, Kangana spent Rs 20.07 crore on the property, and in 2019, she opened her Manikarnika Films office there. In 2020, Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) destroyed portions of it due to suspected structural problems, bringing it under scrutiny.
ALSO READ: Kangana Ranaut's 'Emergency' Gets U/A Certificate By Censor Board, Scenes Cut And Disclaimer Added
About Kangana Ranaut's Film 'Emergency'
Meanwhile, Kangana is waiting for her film 'Emergency' to be officially released. Production on the film has stalled as it awaits censor board clearance; its original release date was September 6. Some Sikh groups, such as the Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee (SGPC) and the Akal Takht, have accused the film of "character assassinating" Sikhs and called for a boycott and ban of 'Emergency' because of the film's allegedly negative portrayal of the Sikh community.
The biographical political drama stars Kangana Ranaut as the late Prime Minister Indira Gandhi and delves into her life during the 21-month Emergency. In supporting parts, the film features Anupam Kher, Mahima Chaudry, Milind Soman, and Shreyas Talpade.