Shah Rukh Khan and Kajol, who have starred in several Bollywood hits, have been friends for many decades. However, there have always been rumours of Kajol’s husband-actor Ajay Devgn and SRK getting along with each other. In an old interview with ABP, Kajol addressed the speculations and said that the two actors might not be friends, but they are also not enemies.

Kajol on Shah Rukh Khan and Ajay Devgn's equation

During the chat, Kajol said in Hindi, "I want to clarify this. Just because they are not friends. Just because Shah Rukh and Ajay Devgn haven’t been seen drinking together at parties, or in any pictures together, or at any public occasions, and haven’t met or shaken hands, doesn’t mean they are enemies."

She added, "I actually wasn’t going to do Dilwale. Because they had so many outdoor dates that it was causing me a lot of trouble. I was wondering how I would manage the outdoor shoots, leaving my kids at home for so many days, especially when their film was also starting. He came and told me not to worry or stress about it. He said he would adjust his dates and stay at home instead. I think that in itself shows that there is absolutely no truth to what you are saying."

Shah Rukh Khan, who was also present at the interview, went on to say, "Ajay and I are both very unsocial and don’t meet many people. However, whenever we do meet, it’s always with great courtesy and affection. So, it’s not the case that just because we have a film together, there is a feud."

Shah Rukh Khan and Ajay Devgn's clash at box office

In 2012, Ajay Devgn starrer 'Son of Sardar' and Shah Rukh Khan's 'Jab Tak Hai Jaan' went head-to-head at the box office. The two films released on the same date and Ajay Devgn, who was the producer of film, perhaps requested YRF to shift the dates. However, the production house did not change the dates. 

During a press conference, Ajay spoke about the clash and said, “Personally, I have never had a fight with SRK. Kajol maintains her equations, and I maintain mine. Professionally, he reminded me, through others, that he was also the producer of Jab Tak Hai Jaan. So he was on the other side of the firing line. Hence, technically, my fight was also against him. He made no attempts to rectify the wrong they (Adi and he) did. That’s why there is no equation between SRK and me.”