New Delhi: Hrithik Roshan is a megastar who has worked in the industry for more than 20 years now. Recently, in an interaction, the 'Fighter' star shared not-so-common and out in the open details about his craft and working style. In an interaction with Film Companion, Hrithik Roshan shared that he had spent almost 10 years studying his face before making a debut in 'Kaho Na Pyaar Hai'.

In an interaction with Anupama Chopra, Hrithik shared, “ I have spent 10 years studying my face because it is my product. Call it vanity or whatever, but if you want to be recognised in that category of actors who can back films like this,then you have to know your face, your light."

“ I have spent years perfecting it.” Hrtithik Roshan added.

The megstar added that he may have delivered his heart in a shot, delivered his lines well but then he has to fix his face even when he does not want to redo a shot. That is infact such a pressure in itself even when it is ‘irritating’.

Among other things, Hrithik also spoke about how he enjoys the process of making movies more than just being a part of the film solely as an actor.

Hrithik Roshan also shared that acting comes in the way when what he enjoys most is spending time with the script or packaging the film in  post-production. A rather unsual revelation by the star, Hrithik shared some candid details about wokring on films and being a hands-on actor who gives more than the required skills on sets.

When asked about whether he maintains a sense of objectivity when he is the co-architect of the film,  Hrithik Roshan responded with “I know my fault lines.”

He also mentioned an instance from the film to explain better.  HR noted that there were about 12 shots in his intro shot in 'Fighter', but he and the makers cut them to just 3 shots because they knew it was not going to work.

Hrithik added that he is very aware that he cannot overdo some stuff. It has to serve the narrative and its best when it's part of a scene.

Among other things, Hrithik Roshan spoke about his acting process, taking up and then quitting smoking during shoot, box office pressure and more.